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Updates to unpaid items.

New improvements to reduce unpaid items for Buy It Now
and Best Offer listings


  • Changes to Buy It Now purchases
  • Best Offer updates
  • FAQ

We know that unpaid items have been a longstanding challenge for many of our sellers, which is why we’ve made improvements to reduce unpaid item incidents for Buy It Now and Best Offer sales. Since the recent launch of these improvements, we've already seen significant increases in successful payments for Best Offer items. Here’s what we’ve done in the past few months to improve the experience:

Changes to Buy It Now purchases

We've increased the price threshold for Buy It Now items that require immediate payment. This update allows you to sell higher-priced Buy It Now items, and ensures that buyers are required to provide a payment method during checkout to secure their item.

Best Offer updates

All buyers are now required to add a payment method when making offers on Best Offer listings. After you accept the offer, we’ll automatically charge the buyer’s chosen payment method so they won’t have to return to eBay to complete their purchase.

These changes are automatically applied to buyer offers, so you don't need to update or make changes to your Best Offer listings. We also plan to launch similar changes for Seller Initiated Offers, buyer counter offers, and auctions to even further improve the experience for sellers.

We're also implementing stricter policies — including account suspension — for users who repeatedly win auctions or make a Best Offer on items but fail to complete the purchase.


What is an unpaid item?

Completing a transaction with the buyer is typically a straightforward process; however, there are instances where the buyer may fail to pay for the item they committed to buy — this is referred to as an unpaid item.

Do these features mean I won’t have any more unpaid items?

This is the goal. You should expect fewer unpaid items from offers as we scale this program; however, they may continue to happen from time to time in some specific scenarios.

Will these changes apply to auctions as well?

We're testing similar solutions in auctions that require buyers to provide payment information before they submit bids on your listings. We’ll attempt to charge the winning bidder's payment at the completion of the auction, and you can expect fewer unpaid items on items sold through auctions as we scale the program.

Do I still need to cancel unpaid items if they happen?

If an item is unpaid, you should continue to cancel the order just as you do today.

As a friendly reminder, you can enable the setting in which orders not paid for 4 days in advance will be canceled automatically (learn more here). If canceled, you will not be charged the $0.30 final value fee per order.

Can I control if my buyers get asked for payment and shipping information?

Yes, you can opt out of this feature in Buyer Payment Requirements. If you opt out, eligible buyers won’t be asked for payment and shipping information upfront when they submit offers and/or bid on your listings. We encourage you to remain opted in so your items are paid for and orders get created quickly.

Can I still offer combined shipping for multiple items purchased by the same buyer?

You can still combine multiple purchases from the same buyer in a single shipment, but please be aware that a buyer may be automatically charged for shipping costs for each individual item when payments are processed. We are actively working on solutions that make this process simpler for you and your buyers. In the meantime, you can send buyers a refund for any excess shipping charges if you offer combined shipping discounts.

Note: if a buyer’s payment is completed after a winning bid or an offer is accepted, there’s no need to send an invoice to the buyer.

Updated requirements for registered business sellers who sell
to European buyers


Getting ahead of the DAC7 EU tax directive


  • What is DAC7?
  • Will the DAC7 directive impact you?
  • What action will we take if you’re impacted?
  • Do you need to take any action?
  • Things to note
  • FAQ

What is DAC7?

The new EU directive DAC7, introduced in January 2023, requires all digital platform operators to report selected personal and transactional data of their users to the relevant tax authorities under certain circumstances.

eBay GmbH is the online service provider for all sellers who reside in the EU. Because eBay GmbH is a company registered in Germany, the DAC7 directive, of the Platform Tax Transparency Act (PStTG), applies to all eBay sellers who reside in the EU.

Will the DAC7 directive impact you?

We’re legally required to send your personal and transactional data to the relevant tax authority if you reside in the EU and meet either of the following criteria in a calendar year:

  • The payouts from your eBay sales equal or exceed €2,000 after deducting fees and commissions or taxes, such as postage amounts paid to eBay, VAT collected and remitted by eBay, VAT charged on fees, and amounts deducted by eBay for fees, coupons, canceled or deleted orders, and returns
  • You complete 30 or more transactions, i.e. sales on eBay. (Canceled transactions are not included in the calculation)

You can see a full and detailed list of the information we’re required to share with the tax authorities on our Help page.

What action will we take if you’re impacted?

If you meet either of the above criteria, we’ll be required to:

  • Collect data from sellers that needs to be reported (unless this information has already been provided to eBay), such as your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
  • Validate a seller’s personal information
  • Report seller information to the tax authorities and share a copy of the information with the seller

If we report any of your data to the tax authorities for the relevant period, we will provide you with a copy of the information for your review.

Do you need to take any action?

You don’t need to take any action right now. We'll be in touch if you meet the DAC7 criteria and you need to provide your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

Things to note

  • Our reports to the tax authorities are made annually in January for the previous year — the first reports will be filed in January 2024
  • Neither DAC7 nor PStTG changes your tax obligation
  • We recommend that you consult a tax advisor if you have any questions about your tax obligations


Where can I learn more about DAC7 and the Platform Tax Transparency Act (PStTG)?

You can find out more about the EU directive DAC7 and PStTG including the specific information that will be shared with the tax authorities on our Help page.

Why do you need to collect and report my data?

Under the new EU directive DAC7, and the German implementation PStTG, we’re legally obligated to provide certain personal and transactional data of our sellers to the relevant tax authority.

What will happen if I don’t provide the required information?

If you don't provide this information, we won't be able to process your payouts and you won't be able to sell on eBay. Don't worry, we'll send you reminders and help you through the process to make it as easy as possible for you.

How will I know when it's time to share my information?

You'll receive an email requesting your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Please enter your TIN where prompted to do so.

How often do I need to update my information?

You’ll need to reconfirm your information every 36 months or every time you make changes to your information.

Update your business seller account to comply with the Digital
Services Act

A simple way to meet European regulatory requirements


  • Update your business seller account to comply with the Digital Services Act
  • What you need to do
  • FAQ

Update your business seller account to comply with the Digital Services Act

The Digital Services Act is a regulation established by the European Commission to promote consumer protection. European law requires business sellers using online marketplaces like eBay include their business contact details on listings offered to buyers in the European Union.

Starting in early 2024, if you’re a registered business seller who sells to buyers in the EU, you’ll need to show your business contact details on listings available for purchase in the EU. We know following new or updated regulations can be difficult to track and take time, so we’ve made it easy for you to provide your customized business contact information.

Here’s what you need to do

  • Log into your Account Settings on My eBay and navigate to a new page called Public business information
  • Your verified business phone number and email will be pre-populated based on what you included when you registered as a business seller. If needed, you can change your pre-populated phone number and email. We recommend you use your business customer service information, if applicable
  • If you sell to EU buyers they will be able to find your business contact details on listings available to them

By sharing your business details you’ll earn trust with your EU buyers, and stay on top of the EU regulation before this becomes a requirement in early 2024.


What is the Digital Services Act?

The European Commission adopted the Digital Services Act (DSA) to provide increased consumer protections and transparency for European consumers. The DSA is a comprehensive new law that applies to digital platforms including online marketplaces like eBay. More details can be found about the DSA on the EU Commission website.

Which sellers would be required to provide their business information to EU buyers?

If you’re registered as a business seller on eBay and have listings eligible for purchase by EU buyers, then you’ll have to provide your business information. Starting in early 2024, your business seller information will appear on listings available for purchases to EU buyers.

What information is shown on my listings?

Your business name, business address, verified email and phone number, and where relevant, business registration number will appear on your listings available for purchase to EU buyers. It’s recommended that you include your business's customer service contact information (e.g., phone number and email), if applicable.

Why do I need to provide my business information on my listings?

This is a required update based on the Digital Services Act. By displaying your information on your listings, you’ll comply with the objectives of the DSA to drive transparency and increase trust.

To help business sellers comply with the requirements of the Digital Services Act, eBay is making it easy for sellers to add their customer-facing information within their Account Settings on My eBay. Public facing seller information will appear on your listings available for purchase to EU buyers.

Can I change my pre-populated information if needed?

Yes, you’ll be able to change your pre-populated email address and phone number.

Are there any exceptions for providing my business information publicly to EU buyers?

There are no exceptions for registered business sellers. This is a regulation that online marketplaces like eBay must comply with in order to offer services to buyers in the EU.

If I work out of my home, do I still have to provide my business information?

Yes, you will need to provide your customer-facing information if you have registered as an eBay business seller. Public facing seller information will appear on your listings available for purchase to EU buyers. eBay will be required to include this information on listing available to EU buyers in early 2024, which means you’ll need to include these details.

If I use eBay International Shipping do I still need to include this information?

Yes, you still need to include your business's contact information. This is a requirement based on the Digital Services Act. By displaying your information on your listings, you’ll comply with the objectives of the DSA to drive transparency and increase trust.