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Seller fees

eBay has a seller fee system. Some of them are required, others are only charged for additional services and features. Learn all about eBay fees in this section.

Selling fees for eBay sellers

eBay charges two main types of selling fees: when you create a listing, and when your item sells. Read this article to learn about these and some optional fees.

International fees for eBay sellers

If your eBay registered address is in an eBay global country, eBay may charge an International fee. It depends on the item delivery address and the buyer's registered address.

Monthly Zero insertion fee listings and basic fees on international eBay sites

Sell on international eBay sites and enter new markets. Find out what basic fees and monthly allowances of Zero insertion fee listings are there on,,,, и

Fee credits

If there was an issue with an order that you resolved, you may qualify for a credit of some or all of the fees you paid. Read this article to learn what fees will be credited if you refund a buyer, cancel an order, remove a listing, or relist an item that didn’t sell.

eBay Stores

Discover the right eBay Stores subscription for your business, find out how much it will cost, and learn about the potential savings.

Video length – 1:14