Want to sell online for export? eBay is a great place to do this!
You will find:
- A worldwide community of more than 132 million shoppers
- Rich selling management functionality and useful tools to increase sales
- Transparent fees
To start selling on eBay you need to create a Seller Account.
We will guide you through every stage of this journey and support you if you need.
Please note: if you reside in the EU, you need to provide your TIN (tax identification number) according to the EU Tax Directive known as the DAC7 Directive. If your annual sales on the platform reach the volume or value defined in the directive, eBay is legally obliged to report some of your personal and transactional data to tax authorities. To learn more, please read the article DAC7 — Sales reporting obligations.
How to create an account:
- Open My eBay drop-down menu on any eBay page and select Selling.

2. Choose a Personal or Business account, fill out the registration form and click Create account (or you can sign up using your Google, Facebook, or Apple account). After that, provide your contact information and select Continue.

3. You will be automatically redirected to My eBay. Now you need to register your account as an eBay seller account. Open My eBay drop-down menu and select Selling once again.

4. On the Selling Overview page, click the List an item button. You will be redirected to the Sell your item form.

5. Enter the name of you item and click the magnifying glass icon.

6. Fill out the Sell your item form and click the List it button. Your listing will be saved as a draft, and you will be redirected to the seller account registration page. Select Get started.

7. Enter your telephone number and verify it by providing a one-time security code.

8. After that, you can change your account type if necessary.

There are two account types on eBay:
- Personal account, if you sell on eBay as an individual
- Business account, if you sell on eBay as a company or a sole proprietor.
If you don’t represent a registered business, please create a Personal account on eBay.
If you are a registered business seller (sole proprietor/Single member LLC, Corporation/Multi member LLC, Partnership), please select Business account on the registration page. eBay will ask for some additional details, like your business name, type, and address, as well as any beneficial owners, officers, directors or account managers.
When you register as an eBay seller, your account details need to be verified. After that you’ll receive payouts directly to your bank account or to your Payoneer account depending on the country of your registration.