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Seller performance

A great buyers' experience and their wish to return on eBay are largely dependent on the customer service provided by the sellers. That's why we pay so much attention to your performance. eBay service metrics and seller performance levels will help you get ahead of competitors and meet your customers' expectations.

Service metrics policy

Do you give customers accurate item information and send it on time? This has a positive impact on your eBay performance. Find out how we evaluate your seller performance and what impact Seller metrics have on your business.


Seller performance policy

To meet the expectations of our buyers, we’ve put minimum seller performance standards in place. They define the customer service quality we expect from sellers and relate to the shipping time, transactions with defects, returns, your communication with buyers and other aspects of your eBay business.


Global seller performance standards

Did you know that eBay international sites set their own performance standard programs? Feel at home in international marketplaces by studying our four regional requirements programs.


Seller levels and performance standards

eBay calculates a seller's performance and assigns you a seller level based on your performance. Find out what benefits you can get with it on eBay.


Top Rated Seller

The seller's excellent work is appreciated not only by buyers, but also by eBay. Learn how to become one of the eBay Top Rated Sellers, get benefits and fee discounts. 


How Buyers’ Feedback Affects Your Feedback Metrics

eBay guarantees a high quality service provided by sellers with the help of two seller evaluation systems. Let’s have a look at the ABCs of the role of buyer’s feedback in each of them.

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How to improve your seller performance standards

To ensure a great buyer experience, eBay evaluates every seller’s performance and assigns seller levels accordingly. What can you do if your account has a Below Standard level, and now you are facing selling restrictions and other consequences? Here you will find some tips and recommendations on how to improve the situation and build customer loyalty.