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Estimated delivery date to the USA, Australia and some other countries is extended

Last update: 05 August 2020

eBay has extended estimated delivery date (EDD) for shipments to the USA, Australia and some other destinations from several countries.

The changes are driven by the current international shipping traffic status and will mitigate the sellers' risk of delays

Tip: If you expect that the buyer will receive your shipment faster than the estimated delivery date, please specify this information in your listing.

As the current international shipping traffic status changes, the list of the countries will be updated.

Shipping to the USA and other destinations

Now the estimated delivery time for shipments to the USA is:

  • Economy Shipping from outside US — 35 days;
  • Standard Shipping from outside US — 23 days;
  • Expedited Shipping from outside US — 7 days.

The extended estimated delivery date is valid for sellers from the following countries:

  • Russia
  • Bulgaria
  • Lithuania
  • Latvia
  • Israel
  • Greece
  • Ukraine
  • Czech Republic
  • Portugal
  • Romania

For all these countries, the estimated delivery date has been extended for most destinations:

  • Economy International Shipping — 48 days
  • Standard International Shipping — 31 days
  • Expedited International Shipping — 7 days

The extended estimated delivery dates apply only to items listed on and the shipping options specified above.

Shipping to Australia

Estimated delivery date is:

  • Economy International Shipping — 90 days
  • Standard International Shipping — 45 days

The extended date applies only to items listed on and the shipping options specified above.

The extended estimated delivery date is valid for sellers from the following countries:

  • Israel
  • Russia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Greece
  • Ukraine
  • Bulgaria
  • The Czech Republic
  • Portugal
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Argentina