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DHL Express (United Arab Emirates)

DHL Express is more than just an express logistics company — our aim is to work in partnership with you and your business in order to offer your customers more choice, enhanced shipping options and a flexible, secure delivery process. By selecting DHL, you are choosing a reliable carrier who can act as a true brand ambassador for your business. 

Who needs this service?

All export focused e-commerce businesses that want to offer fast and secure services to their customers.

What is this service? 

DHL Express offers ecommerce businesses more choice, enhanced shipping options, a flexible and secure delivery process and a seamless integration between the merchant platform and the DHL delivery and tracking systems.

The unique offer for eBay sellers

All eBay sellers who are new to DHL will get a minimum a 70% discount from the published rates, and our sales consultants will further tailor the pricing and other shipping conditions to match your specific business needs.

