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eBay Protection for most Origin and Destination Countries

Updated: 03.12.2020

Following signals on delays and Covid-19 lockdowns eBay has applied the protection for the certain origin and destination countries:

CountryTransaction Date Range
Albania from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Andorra from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Armenia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Azerbaijan Republic from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Belarus from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Bulgaria from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Croatia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Cyprus from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Czech Republic from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Denmark from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Egypt from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Estonia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Finland from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Francefrom October 29th to January 15th, 2021
Georgia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Gibraltar from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Greece from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Greenland from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Guernsey from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Hungary from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Iceland from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Jersey from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Kuwait from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Latvia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Liechtenstein from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Lithuania from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Luxembourg from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Macedonia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Maldives from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Malta from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Moldova from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Monaco from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Montenegro from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Nigeria from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Norway from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Portugal from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Romania from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Russian Federation from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Serbia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Slovakia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Slovenia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
South Africa from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Sweden from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Turkey from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Ukraine from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Israel from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Brazil from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Mexico from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Puerto Rico from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Peru from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Colombia from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Chile from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Argentina from November 7th to January 15th, 2021
Venezuela from November 7th to January 15th, 2021

Seller Performance Protection is valid if:

  • Item location or destination address is a country from the list above
  • Valid tracking number is uploaded
  • Transaction Date or Handle By Date is inside the date range above — for countries of origin
  • Maximum Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) is inside the date range above — for destination countries

If you meet the criteria outlined above and your transaction has a defect, please, contact eBay Customer Service. If you meet all requirements, eBay will remove a defect from your Seller's Performance Metrics.

eBay will also remove all negative or neutral seller feedback on these transactions, if there's no Significantly Not As Described (SNAD) claim.

The following defects will be removed from the Seller's Performance Metrics:

  • Late shipment
  • Item not received (INR)
  • Seller cancellation defect
  • Neutral or negative feedback due to the late shipment, INR or seller cancellation

Please note that the INR defect and correspondent feedback will be removed only if you upload a valid tracking number before the INR claim open date. That’s why we recommend you to upload tracking information as soon as the item is shipped to the buyer. In this situation, if your transaction gets a defect, you can provide eBay a reason to remove it. If a buyer claims that they did not receive an item, please contact them as soon as possible and try to resolve the conflict. If you refund money before the case was escalated to eBay, it won't affect your Seller's Performance Metrics. However, it’s important that you deliver the best possible buyer experience. Please make sure you continue to deliver a great product aligned to your buyer’s expectations.