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COVID-19 News Archive

eBay Protection for most Origin and Destination Countries

Your Seller Performance is protected if you ship to or from countries on the list. The protection period covers November and December 2020. Check the updated list of countries, date range and additional protection criteria.

Last Update: 03 December 2020

eBay Protection for Israel as Origin and Destination Country

Learn how eBay protects Seller Standards and Seller Performance of sellers who sell to and from Israel.

Last Update: 20 October 2020

Global seller protection: Standard & Performance

Learn how eBay is protecting Seller Standards and Seller Performance.

Last update: 19 August 2020

Get 200 Extra Free Listings on the US Site

Sellers registered on who meet eBay’s minimum seller performance standards can get 200 extra Zero Insertion Fee Listings by 30th of April.

Last Update: 2 April 2020

Store Subscription Relief Refunds on the UK Site

For business sellers registered on we’ll now refund store subscription fees if you have to shut down your eBay store for an extended period of time.

Last Update: 2 April 2020

Deferring Fees

Special protection for eBay Store subscribers.

Last Update: 30 March 2020