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1StopVAT is your single point of contact for tax compliance.

Who needs this service?

Anyone who is selling abroad or storing goods in multiple countries.

What is this service?

VAT/GST/Sales tax rules are constantly changing and tax compliance complicated. 1StopVAT makes it easy and simple for businesses of all sizes. Our automated, cost-effective and time-saving solution can be integrated with your existing software. This helps your company to be accurate in tax compliance, transparent in transactions, and provides easy administration, because we take care about all the issues for you.

The unique offer for eBay sellers 

15% discount for the services. A free 1 hour VAT consultation.

1StopVAT benefits

With 1StopVAT you no longer:

  • have to worry about varying deadlines in separate countries, 
  • have to track your sales thresholds,
  • worry about VAT registration or VAT filing matters in many different languages as our experienced team will do all this for you. 

We are dedicated to stand hand-in-hand as one point of contact with you while you grow your business globally to take away the taxes headache that nowadays regulations bring to life.


✉️ Contact Us
📞 +370 620 46060
📞 +31 633 617 652