eBay fee updates
When: March 2022
Where: ebay.com
eBay is committed to building a vibrant marketplace that simplifies selling and delivers more buyers to you. To support that goal, it adjusts selling fees from time to time.
Final value fee increase in most categories
Starting on March 1, 2022, final value fees for Store sellers will increase 0.3% in most categories. For example, sellers with a Basic and above eBay Store who sell in the Home & Garden category will see an increase from 11.7% to 12.0%, a difference of 0.3%. Final value fees for sellers without a Store will increase 0.35% in most categories. For example, sellers who sell in the eBay Motors Parts & Accessories category without a Store will see an increase from 12.55% to 12.9%, a difference of 0.35%.
Fees vary across categories as eBay always strives to achieve lowest total fees across category competitors. Fees also vary for sellers with and without an eBay Store subscription. Please expand the table below to view all the details.
Subtitle listing upgrade fee increase
Starting March 1, 2022, the optional Subtitle listing upgrade fee will increase $0.50. The increase will apply to items with an auction start price or Buy it Now price up to $150.
- For auction listings, the new fee will be $1.50. Previously, the fee was $1.00.
- For fixed price listings, the new fee will be $2.00. Previously, the fee was $1.50.
Adding an optional Subtitle listing upgrade to your listing can increase buyer interest by providing more descriptive information about your item. eBay encourages you to evaluate your listings to determine if the Subtitle listing upgrade is right for you.
Change to Promoted Listings Standard ad fee calculation methodology
On June 1, 2022, the Promoted Listings Standard ad fee calculation will change to align more closely with how eBay calculates final value fees. Specifically, the ad fee will be calculated in all markets based on the total amount of the sale for each attributed sale, using the same basis eBay uses to calculate final value fees (including applicable taxes, shipping and other applicable fees described here). Currently, in certain markets including the US, the Promoted Listings Standard ad rate applies only to the final price of the item.
Cambios en comisiones, tarifas y descuentos
Cuándo: 1 de abril de 2022
Dónde: benl.ebay.be, befr.ebay.be, ebay.es, ebay.pl, ebay.nl, ebay.ie, ebay.ch
Con el fin de igualar las condiciones de eBay en el mercado europeo, habrá algunos ajustes en las comisiones, las tarifas y los descuentos. De este modo, las condiciones esenciales para las empresas que operen en los distintos mercados de eBay serán las mismas, lo que ayudará a simplificar el comercio internacional.
Estos son algunos de los cambios que tendrán lugar a partir del 1 de abril:
- Vamos a reducir las comisiones y tarifas de los artículos de precio elevado en todas las categorías mediante la introducción de comisiones por venta realizada organizadas en tramos (consulta nuestra tabla de tarifas y comisiones para ver ejemplos) en benl.ebay.be, befr.ebay.be, ebay.es, ebay.pl, ebay.nl, ebay.ie, ebay.ch.
- Vamos a eliminar el descuento del 10% en la comisión por venta realizada para los vendedores con nivel Excelente y el descuento del 10% en la comisión por venta realizada para los anuncios de vendedores con el distintivo del Servicio eBay Premium en ebay.es.
- Para los vendedores de tienda Avanzada, el número de anuncios gratuitos en formato Precio fijo se reducirá de 10 000 a 2500.
Más información - eBay is removing the final value fee discount of 10% on top rated plus listings that applies to sellers with top rated status on ebay.ie, ebay.ch
- eBay is removing the final value fee discount of 20% for sellers with top rated status on benl.ebay.be, befr.ebay.be, ebay.pl, ebay.nl
- eBay is making the Buy it now feature FREE for all sellers on benl.ebay.be, befr.ebay.be, ebay.ie, ebay.ch. This feature gives your buyers the option to purchase for a set price, before an auction listing ends. A Buy it now price gives you the possibility of a quick sale for the right money.
Para obtener información detallada sobre los cambios en las tarifas y comisiones, consulta nuestra página del portal de Ayuda.
Offers and fees updates for low-cost items on ebay.co.uk
When: February and March 2022
Where: ebay.co.uk
Low-cost item offer update
For sellers who have activated the low-cost item promotion, eBay will be making the low-cost items offer available indefinitely. You’ll be able to opt in to pay a final value fee of 15% + 5p on all transactions for both new and existing listings (this fee will continue to apply for all transactions regardless of the item’s sale price). To find out more information, please see here. More information on the 15% + 5p Final value fee and how to activate it to come in March 2022.
New reduced fees for low-cost collectible items
On February 1, 2022, eBay introduced a new reduced fee for low-cost collectible items. The fixed order fee is reduced from 30p to 10p per order for a total sales price of up to £10. This will apply for all new listings created after February 1, 2022. To learn about which items this change applies to, head over to the FAQ page.