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Order cancellation policy

There may be times when orders need to be canceled. Buyers can request a cancellation, but generally only sellers can cancel an order. eBay encourages sellers to accept a buyer's cancellation request as long as they haven't yet shipped the item.

When a seller can cancel an order

A seller can cancel an order if:

  • The buyer asks to cancel the order and they haven't shipped the item yet
  • The buyer hasn't paid within the time allowed
  • The buyer used the wrong shipping address when they completed their purchase
  • The item is out of stock (this will result in a transaction defect and affect your performance and Seller Level)

A seller won't be able to cancel an order if:

When a buyer purchases more than one item, the entire order will be canceled. Sellers can't cancel individual items when multiple items are purchased as part of the same order.

Actions & time frames for order cancellations

ActionTime frame
Buyer requested cancellations 
The buyer requests to cancel an order Latest: 60 minutes from the time the buyer commits to buy the item, which is any of the following:
  • They choose "Buy It Now" in a listing and pay for the item or select "Commit to Buy"
  • They win an auction
  • The seller accepts the buyer's offer
  • The buyer accepts the seller's offer
If this time frame has expired, the buyer can still contact the seller directly and ask if the order can be canceled.
The seller responds to the buyer's requestLatest: 3 calendar days after the request date
  • If the buyer has paid for the order and the seller doesn't respond within this time frame, we'll close the request and the order won't be canceled
  • If the buyer hasn't paid for the order and the seller doesn't respond within this time frame, we'll automatically accept the cancellation
Seller initiated cancellations 
The seller cancels an order

Learn more about how sellers can cancel an order.
Latest: 30 calendar days after the seller receives notification that the item has sold.
  • If the buyer doesn't pay, the seller can cancel the order after 4 calendar days and up to 30 days after the order is placed
Learn more about Resolving unpaid items with buyers.

If a cancellation has been initiated but isn't resolved within 30 days, we'll automatically close the request.


If the buyer completed payment through eBay checkout and the seller cancels the order, a full refund will be issued to the buyer's original payment method.

If payment was not completed through eBay checkout and the seller cancels the order (for example, the buyer paid by check or cash), the seller will be responsible for issuing a full refund to the buyer.

Abusing the order cancellation process

Sellers aren't allowed to abuse the order cancellation process. A seller should never cancel an order and select an incorrect cancellation reason, including falsely claiming that the buyer failed to pay.

Activity that doesn't follow eBay policy could result in a range of actions including:

  • Canceling listings
  • Hiding or demoting all listings from search results
  • Blocking some or all of your messages/communication with other members
  • Lowering seller rating
  • Buying or selling restrictions
  • Account suspension
  • Application of fees
  • Recovery of expenses for policy monitoring and enforcement.

All fees paid or payable in relation to listings or accounts on which eBay takes any action will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account.

Other terms and related policies

  • Once an order has been canceled, it can't be undone
  • eBay refunds the entire final value fee, including the per order fee ($0.30 per order (for orders $10 and under) or $0.40 (for orders over $10), when you approve a buyer’s cancellation request
  • Buying an item or bidding on an auction on eBay is a commitment to complete a purchase. Buyers should pay for items within 4 calendar days or the seller can choose to cancel the order. If buyers have excessive canceled orders for unpaid items, they may be subject to the consequences outlined in eBay Unpaid item policy and Abusive buyer policy

  • A buyer can still leave feedback on a canceled transaction, unless the order was canceled because they didn't pay for the item. Learn more in eBay Unpaid item policy
  • Canceling an order because the item is out of stock will result in a transaction defect, as sellers are responsible for fulfilling the items they've sold. Learn more in the Seller performance
  • If the buyer has paid and the seller declines or doesn't respond to the buyer's request to cancel, they'll need to wait until the item is received and then start a return request instead
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