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Viewing and responding to feedback from buyers

There may be times when you want to reply to feedback a buyer has left for you, or add a comment to feedback you’ve previously left for someone else. You can’t change feedback you’ve left for a buyer, but you can ask a buyer to reconsider feedback they left for you.

Responding to feedback

You can view all the feedback you’ve left or received in your feedback profile. From there you can also respond to feedback.

When you respond to feedback, your reply appears directly below the initial feedback comment.

Here’s how you can reply:

  • From your feedback profile page, find the feedback you’d like to reply to
  • Select Reply from the Action column
  • Enter your reply, then select Send

If you can’t find the feedback you want to reply to, you can use the search bar below the All Received Feedback tab to search by the buyer’s username, the item number, or the item title.

Search will only return feedback that was left in the last 12 months.

Valuable insights

You can only reply once to a feedback comment, and you can’t edit or retract that reply.

You can’t change feedback you left for a buyer, but you can add extra comments.

Send a feedback revision request to your buyer

While it doesn’t affect your seller performance, eBay understands that positive feedback is important to you. If you believe feedback you received from a buyer isn’t accurate or fair, you can try to resolve the situation by replying to the feedback or by requesting a feedback revision. 

To try to resolve the issue, eBay recommends that you reply directly to the buyer’s feedback, or ask the buyer to revise their original rating and comment.

You can only request a revision for feedback that is less than 30 days old. You can make 5 feedback revision requests per calendar year.

Valuable insights

For every 1,000 feedback ratings you receive during the year, you can make 5 additional feedback revision requests. However, these additional feedback revision requests don’t carry over into the following year.

What happens when you ask for a feedback revision?

When you send a feedback revision request to a buyer, eBay will send them an email with all the details.

The buyer then has 10 days to either:

  • Revise the feedback: If the buyer accepts the request, eBay will guide them through the process of changing their rating and comment. When they revise feedback, their original comments will no longer be visible on eBay
  • Decline the request: If the buyer declines the request, they can choose whether to share their reasoning with you

You can see the number of revised feedback on the feedback profile page.

If the buyer hasn’t taken any action after 7 days, eBay will send a reminder. If the buyer still hasn’t responded after 10 days, the revision request will expire. Remember, even disappointing feedback is just one person’s opinion and won’t affect your seller performance.

Valuable insights

Visit Seller Help to dispute any buyer feedback.

In some cases, eBay may remove or adjust feedback. You can learn more about this in eBay Seller performance and defect removal policy.


Top Takeaway

Remember, even disappointing feedback is just one person’s opinion and won’t affect your seller performance.