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Training Calendar

At eBay, our aim is to ensure that our sellers get their basics right. Hence, most of the time, the eBay webinar revolves around the topics such as listing best practices, order management, monitoring seller standards and maintaining account hygiene, getting desired visibility via Promoted Listings Standard and Promotions Manager etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any free eBay seller training programs available?

All these sessions are free.

Can eBay seller training help increase sales and profits?

Yes, all the eBay seller trainings are curated in a manner that you can learn best practices that you can implement to increase sales and profits on eBay.

Is eBay seller training suitable for beginners or only for experienced sellers?

eBay seller training webinars are suitable for all sellers who are looking at keeping themselves updated and are keen to learn best practices of selling on eBay.

How can I find eBay seller training courses or programs?

The eBay team updates the monthly training schedule under the “Resources” section of every month. Plus, there is email communication sent to all sellers on upcoming training sessions.

What are some of the benefits of completing eBay seller training?

Completing the eBay seller trainings on a regular basis will help you as the seller to have a clear understanding of eBay processes and also stay abreast of upcoming changes.

Can I attend eBay seller training online or do I have to attend in person?

These seller training sessions are conducted online.

How often should I attend eBay seller training to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices?

There is no compulsion that sellers can attend seller training sessions only once. You can attend them as many time you would want to.

Is eBay seller training specific to a particular type of product or can it be applied to any product category?

The training schedule is updated for category specific trainings, however the basics of selling and the best practices can be applied for all categories.