eBay Item location policy requires that sellers provide true and accurate information about where the item will be shipped from. Such information helps buyers have a clear understanding of shipping charges and delivery times.
What is the Item location policy?
Sellers must provide:
- Clear and accurate information about where the item is located, including the city and the country where the item will ship from, must be included in listings.
- Item location information must be consistent across all areas of the listing including title, description and item specifics.
- A tracking number uploaded after an item has sold must match the shipping location provided in the listing.
Activity that doesn't follow eBay policy could result in a range of actions including for example: administratively ending or canceling listings, hiding or demoting all listings from search results, lowering seller rating, buying or selling restrictions, loss of seller protections, and account suspension. All fees paid or payable in relation to listings or accounts on which eBay takes any action will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account.
Item location policy helps buyers make informed purchasing decisions based on shipping charges and delivery times, and protects sellers from complaints about excessive costs or delays.
Item location and return address
Your item’s return address doesn’t have to match the item location. However, you should state the return address in the listing, especially if you don’t offer free returns — so that buyers could be aware of return shipping costs.
How to edit your return address
- Open My eBay and go to the Account tab.
- Select the Addresses section.
- Click the Add or Edit button next to your Return address.

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