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Seller updates

Be the first to know what's new with eBay services by tracking when updates go live, and get the insights you need to grow your business on eBay.

2024 March Seller update

  • New “Sell it faster” recommendations and easier management of sale events
  • Improvements to reduce unpaid items when sending offers to buyers
  • New and improved security features to protect your business
  • Drafts of your listings will now be saved for 75 days after their last update
  • Update to our per-order fee across all categories
  • Fee changes and other international updates
Seller Update 2024

eBay news

Updating functions and services, introducing new options and announcing changes in legislation related to trading on international marketplaces.

Archive of eBay updates

eBay regularly posts official releases about functional updates and other important changes in the operation of the marketplace. Here you will find a selection of materials from 2018.