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Магазини на регіональних сайтах eBay: тарифи та переваги

If you sell internationally on eBay or plan to do it in the future, consider opening your eBay Store on international eBay sites. You will get access to a wider audience, grow your business, and become more visible on the Internet. You can also benefit from lower competition as compared to

Just like on, a Store subscription on international eBay sites gives the seller a higher monthly limit of free listings and discounted Final value fees. It means that if you list and sell a lot of items, a suitable subscription package will be worth its cost. However, each of the international eBay sites has its own line of subscription packages with different fees, limits and benefits.

eBay Store on is an international eBay site meant for sellers and buyers from Great Britain. Private Sellers can subscribe to the Basic eBay Shop. As for Business Sellers, they can choose from three subscription packages.

Fees and limits for Private sellers:

  • Monthly allocation of 1,000 free listings.
  • Monthly allocation of 1,100 free listings if you get a Basic subscription for £19.99/mo.
  • An Insertion fee of £0.35 is charged for each listing once you have used all your free listings.
  • The Final value fee is calculated as 12.8% of the total amount of the sale (which includes the item price, postage, taxes and any other applicable fees), plus a fixed charge of £0.30 per order. If the total amount of the sale is over £5,000 for a single item, you shall also pay 3% of the portion of the sale price above £5,000.

Final value fees for items listed in the Men's and Women's Trainers categories (Clothes, Shoes & Accessories > Men > Men's Shoes > Trainers and Clothes, Shoes & Accessories > Women > Women's Shoes > Trainers) are 8% + £0.30 when the selling price (per item) is £100 or more (excluding postage, and any other additional fees or taxes). Items with a starting price of £100 or more are free to list and do not count against the monthly allocation of free listings.

  • When sellers are found responsible for a chargeback or other disputed amount as per eBay's policies, eBay charges a £16.80 dispute fee for each dispute.

Detailed information on the fees for Private sellers on is available here.

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Private Sellers)Basic
Monthly price£19.99
Monthly limit of free listings10001100
1 additional listing£0.35£0.35
BenefitsYou can choose a 1- or 3-day Special Duration for 100 listings

Fees and limits for Business sellers:

  • There are three subscription packages available to Business sellers on Basic, Featured and Anchor. You will find the key differences between them in the table below.
  • Business sellers on can also sell items without an eBay Shop, but they do not have a monthly allowance of Zero insertion fee listings. In this case, the Insertion fee of £0.30 is charged for each new listing.
  • The Final value fee is calculated as a variable percentage of the total amount of the sale (which includes the item price, postage, taxes and any other applicable fees), plus a fixed charge of £0.30 per order.

Final value fees for items listed in the Men's and Women's Trainers categories (Clothes, Shoes & Accessories > Men > Men's Shoes > Trainers and Clothes, Shoes & Accessories > Women > Women's Shoes > Trainers) are 7% + £0.30 when the selling price (per item) is £100 or more (excluding postage, and any other additional fees or taxes). Items with a starting price of £100 or more are free to list and do not count against the monthly allocation of free listings.

The final value fees for different categories are given here.

  • When sellers are found responsible for a chargeback or other disputed amount as per eBay's policies, eBay charges a £14 dispute fee for each dispute.

The monthly price of a Basic subscription on is different for Private sellers and Business sellers.

Detailed information on the fees for Business sellers on is available here.

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Business Sellers)BasicFeaturedAnchor
Monthly price£27£77£437
Monthly limit of free fixed price listings2501500Unlimited
1 additional fixed price listing£0.30£0.10 £0.05 Free
Monthly limit of free 7-day auction-style listings1006001000
1 additional auction-style listing£0.30£0.15£0.15£0.15
BenefitsDiscounted fees, access to business growth toolseBay packaging supplies, free international listings, and moreAccess to all promotion instruments, selling managers, and analytical insights, free international listings, invitation to eBay Concierge customer service

eBay Store on is an international site for sellers and buyers from Germany. All the listings here must be written in the German language. On this site, there are no subscription options for private sellers (Private Verkäufer), while business sellers (Gewerbliche Verkäufer) can choose among 4 available subscriptions to eBay Shop.

Fees and limits for private sellers:

  • Monthly allocation of 320 free listings.
  • Monthly allocation of 2,500 free auction-style listings with the starting price of €1 (except for 1-day and 3-day auctions).
  • The Insertion fee (Angebotsgebühr) of €0.50 is charged for each listing once you have used your free listings.
  • The Final value fee (Verkaufsprovision) is calculated as 11% of the total amount of the sale plus a fixed charge (€0.05 per order if the total amount of the sale is less than €10, and €0.35 per order in all other cases). If the total amount of the sale is over €1,990, you shall also pay 2% of the portion of the sale price above €1,990.

Detailed information on the fees for private sellers on is available here (in German).

Private sellers can’t subscribe to an eBay Store (eBay Shop) on

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Private Sellers)
Monthly price
Monthly limit of free listings320
+ 2,500 auctions with the starting price of €1
1 additional listing€0.50

Business sellers (Gewerbliche Verkäufer) can either work without a subscription to eBay Shop or choose one of the available subscription packages: Basic (Basis), Top (Top-Shop), Premium (Premium-Shop) and Platinum (Platin-Shop). Detailed information about fees and limits for business sellers on is available here (in German).

Yearly Store subscription is not available on

Business Sellers pay a Final value fee (Verkaufsprovision) when their items are sold. It is calculated as a variable percentage of the total amount of the sale, plus a fixed charge of €0.35 per order. The final value fees for different categories are given here (in German).

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Business Sellers)Basic (Basis)Top (Top-Shop)Premium (Premium-Shop)Platinum (Platin-Shop)
Monthly price€39.95€79.95€299.95€4,999.95
Monthly limit of free fixed price listings4002,500UnlimitedUnlimited
1 additional fixed price listing€0.35€0.10€0.05
Monthly limit of free 7-day auction-style listings40100250400
1 additional auction-style listing€0.50 €0.50 €0.50 €0.50 €0.50
BenefitsDiscounted fees, access to business growth toolsDiscounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, and moreDiscounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, promotion discounts,  advertising credit of €10 per monthDiscounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, promotion discounts, quarter growth discount,  eBay  Concierge customer service, advertising credit of €50 per month

eBay Store on is an international eBay site for sellers and buyers from France. All the listings here must be written in French. Private sellers (Vendeurs particuliers) on can sell items without a subscription or get a Classic eBay Store (eBay Boutique Classique). Business sellers (Vendeurs professionnels) can choose among three subscription packages.

Fees and limits for private sellers (Vendeurs particuliers):

  • Monthly allocation of 150 free listings.
  • Monthly allocation of 250 free listings if you have a Classique subscription for €19.95/mo.
  • The insertion fee (Frais de mise en vente) of €0.35 is charged for each listing once you have used your free listings.
  • The Final value fee (Commission sur le prix final) is calculated as 10% of the total amount of sale plus a fixed charge of €0.35 per order. If the total amount of the sale is over €2,000, you shall also pay 2% of the portion of the sale price above €2,000.

Detailed information on the fees for private sellers on is available here (in French).

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Private Sellers)Classique
Monthly price€19.95
Monthly limit of free listings150250 
1 additional listing€0.35€0.35 for an auction-style listing
€0.15 for a fixed price listing

Business Sellers (Vendeurs professionnels) on can work without a subscription or choose one of the available subscription packages: Basic (Basique), Featured (À la Une), or Premium (Premium).

Business Sellers pay a Final value fee (Commission sur le prix final) when their items are sold. It is calculated as a variable percentage of the total amount of the sale, plus a fixed charge of €0.35 per order. If you have the status of a Top Reliability Seller (Vendeur Top Fiabilité), you get a 10% discount from the variable part of this fee. The final value fees for different categories are given here (in French).

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Business Sellers)Basic (Basique)Featured (À la Une)Premium (Premium)
Monthly price€19.50€39.50€149.50
Monthly limit of free fixed price listings30010,000Unlimited
1 additional fixed price listing€0.30€0.10€0.05
Monthly limit of free 7-day auction-style listings2050250
+2,500 in the Collectibles and Antiques category
1 additional auction-style listing€0.40€0.40€0.40€0.40
BenefitsDiscounted fees, access to business growth toolsDiscounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, and more.Discounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, promotion discounts, and more.

eBay Store on is an international eBay site for sellers and buyers from Italy. All the listings here must be written in the Italian language. Private sellers (Venditori non professionali) can sell without a subscription or get a Basic (Base) subscription to eBay Store (Negozio eBay). Business sellers (Venditori professionali) can choose among three subscription packages.

Fees and limits for private sellers (Venditori non professionali):

  • Monthly allocation of 150 free listings.
  • Monthly allocation of 250 free listings if you get a Basic (Base) eBay Store for €19,95/mo.
  • The insertion fee (Tariffa d'inserzione) of €0.35 is charged for each listing once you have used your free listings.
  • The Final value fee (Commissione sul valore finale) is calculated as 11.5% of the total amount of sale plus a fixed charge of €0.35 per order. If the total amount of sale is over €2,000, you shall also pay 2% of the portion of the sale price above €2,000.

Detailed information on the fees for private sellers on is available here (in Italian).

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Private Sellers)Basic (Base)
Monthly price€19.95
Monthly limit of free listings 150250 
1 additional listing€0.35€0.35 for an auction-style listing
€0.15 for a fixed price listing

Business Sellers (Venditori professionali) on can work without a subscription or choose one of the available subscription packages: Basic (Base), Premium (Premium) and Premium Plus (Premium Plus).

Business Sellers pay a Final value fee (Commissione sul valore finale) when their items are sold. It is calculated as a variable percentage of the total amount of the sale, plus a fixed charge of €0.35 per order. The status of a Top Reliability Seller (Venditore Affidabilità Top) gives you a 10% discount from the variable part of this fee. The final value fees for different categories are provided here (in Italian).

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Business Sellers)Basic (Base)Premium (Premium)Premium Plus (Premium Plus)
Monthly price€19.50€39.50€149.50
Monthly limit of free fixed price listings40010,000Unlimited
1 additional fixed price listing€0.35 €0.10 €0.05
Monthly limit of free auction-style listings40100250 
1 additional auction-style listing€0.50 €0.50 €0.50 €0.50 
BenefitsDiscounted fees, access to business growth tools.Discounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, and more.Discounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, promotion discounts, and more.

eBay Store on is an international eBay site for sellers and buyers from Spain. All the listings here must be written in Spanish. Private sellers (Vendedores particulares) on can work without a subscription to eBay Store (Tienda eBay) or get a Basic (Básica) subscription. Business sellers (Vendedores profesionales) can choose from three subscription packages.

Fees and limits for private sellers (Vendedores particulares):

  • Monthly allocation of 50 free listings.
  • Monthly allocation of 100 free listings if you have a Basic (Básica) eBay Store for €19.95/mo.
  • The Insertion fee (Tarifa de publicación) of €0.35 is charged for each listing once you have used your free listings.
  • The Final value fee (Comisión por venta realizada) is calculated as 11.5% of the total amount of sale plus a fixed charge of €0.35 per order. If the total amount of the sale is over €2,000, you shall also pay 2% of the portion of the sale price above €2,000.

Detailed information on the fees for private sellers on is available here (in Spanish).

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Private Sellers)Basic (Basica)
Monthly price€19.95
Monthly limit of free listings50150 
1 additional listing€0.35 €0.35 for an auction-style listing
€0.15 for a fixed price listing

Business Sellers (Vendedores profesionales) on can work without a subscription or choose one of the available subscription packages: Basic (Básica), Advanced (Avanzada) and Premium (Premium).

Business Sellers pay a Final value fee (Comisión por venta realizada) when their items are sold. It is calculated as a variable percentage of the total amount of the sale, plus a fixed charge of €0,35 per order. The Final value fees for different categories are given here (in Spanish).

Subscription packageNo Subscription (Business Sellers)Basic (Basica)Advanced (Avanzada)Premium (Premium)
Monthly price€19.50€39.50€149.50
Monthly limit of free fixed price listings40010,000
(2,500 from April 1, 2022)
1 additional fixed price listing €0.35 €0.10 €0.05
Monthly limit of free 7-day auction-style listings40100250 
1 additional auction-style listing€0.50€0.50€0.50€0.50
BenefitsDiscounted fees, access to business growth toolsDiscounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, and moreDiscounted fees, access to business growth tools, free international listings, promotion discounts, and more

eBay Store on is an international eBay site for sellers and buyers from Australia.

There is no distinction between private sellers and business sellers on

Fees and limits (all prices in Australian dollars):

  • Monthly allocation of 250,000 free listings if your registered address is in Australia.
  • The Insertion fee is AU $1.50 for one listing; it is charged if the seller is out of free listings, if the category does not allow free listings, or if the seller's registered address is outside Australia.
  • The Final value fee is calculated as 13.4% of the total amount of sale plus a fixed charge of AU $0.30 per order. If the total amount of the sale is over AU $4,000, you shall also pay 2.5% of the portion of the sale price above AU $4,000).

Detailed information on the fees for sellers without an eBay Store on is available here. The Final value fees for different categories are given in this article.

Sellers on can choose from three subscription packages: Basic, Featured, and Anchor. You can find the detailed information about eBay Store subscriptions here.

Subscription packageNo SubscriptionBasicFeaturedAnchor
Monthly priceAU $24.95AU $54.95AU $549.95
Monthly limit of free listings 
250,000 for Australians
250,000 for Australians
250,000 for Australians
1 additional fixed price listing AU $1.50AU $0.50AU $0.20AU $0.05
1 additional auction-style listingAU $1.50AU $3.00AU $3.00AU $3.00
Final value fee (can vary in different categories)13.4%9.50%8.55%7.60%
BenefitsAccess to business growth toolsAccess to business growth toolsAccess to business growth tools, AU $100 promotion credit

The information about changes on international sites,,,,,, and is available in this article.

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