Summit content feedback evaluation

Please rate the Summit content from 1 to 10 where 1 is «content was not useful at all» and 10 is «content was extremely useful for my business at eBay». If you rate any part lower than 4, please explain why in the comments field.

Enter your email*

1. Welcome note from Ilya Kretov

2. Guest speaker lecture (Ilja Laurs)

3. Workshops. Please the choose which workshop flow did you attend

Fitment session

Logistics session

Merchant session

Merchant support session

Holiday season preparation session

Marketing & Research session

Logistics session

4. Personal meeting with account manager

5. Personal meeting with business support team

Overall event feedback

6. Did you like the venue?

7. Did you like the master of ceremony?

8. Did you use translation option?

9. Did you like the catering?

10. Please feel free to share any feedback that you find important in the field below

Future events

11. What topics would like to cover on the next event?

12. What type of content do you think would be the most effective?

13. Would you be interested in round tables with fellow sellers?

14. What type of guest speaker would you like to see in the future events?

15. What is the best time you would like to receive first invitation to the next event in advance?

16. Would like to see the logistics partners in the future events. If yes, please define which.

17. If choosing the destination for the next seller event where would you like to go